HOME REMEDIES ( घरेलू उपचार ) -Episode 01
GENERAL HOME REMEDIES ( सामान्य घरेलू उपचार ) 🌱🌱🌱 कई बार हमारे पास ऐसी चीजें होती हैं जो महत्वपूर्ण होती हैं लेकिन हम उनके सभी महत्वपूर्ण मूल्यों / गुणों को नहीं जानते …
Our blog A New Thinking Era is designed to uplift and motivate you through a variety of engaging categories. Whether you’re seeking powerful quotes, heartwarming stories, inspiring talks, or healthy recipes, we’ve got something for everyone. Each section is carefully crafted to offer wisdom, positivity, and the encouragement you need to live your best life. Join us on this journey of growth, health, and happiness!
GENERAL HOME REMEDIES ( सामान्य घरेलू उपचार ) 🌱🌱🌱 कई बार हमारे पास ऐसी चीजें होती हैं जो महत्वपूर्ण होती हैं लेकिन हम उनके सभी महत्वपूर्ण मूल्यों / गुणों को नहीं जानते …
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT HUMAN BEHAVIOUR (PART -1) Every person, despite being different, does something similar that looks like. We will talk about some interesting antics : 😆 (हर इंसान अलग होते हुए भी कुछ हरकत एक जैसे करता है जो की एक जैसे प्रतीत होते है। हम कुछ रोचक हरकतों के बारे में करेंगे ) …
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND ( Part -1) What is the subconscious mind and how does it work? अवचेतन मन (Subconsious Mind) :- (The subconscious mind is the main data-storage for everything. It accumulates …
😃😃😃 Everyone Be Ready To Be Positive “Our Life is about accepting challenges in our life and set the right goals, determined to keep going forward with the right frame of mind, and to enjoy the voyage of life & learn from incidents in our life.” Let’s know how we can think positively and ameliorate …
The Skill No One Taught You Ask these questions to yourself before making any decisions? Try to find about the habit of thinking. You always think about something that is absolutely normal but tries to understand its 4 attributes. These are the following: ✔Purpose: Think about why you are going to do it? ✔Existence: Think …