HOME REMEDIES ( घरेलू उपचार ) -Episode 02
🌱🌱🌱 GENERAL HOME REMEDIES (Episode 02) ( सामान्य घरेलू उपचार ) “मेरी ये अपनी राय है की …
🌱🌱🌱 GENERAL HOME REMEDIES (Episode 02) ( सामान्य घरेलू उपचार ) “मेरी ये अपनी राय है की …
बचपन की यादें (भाग -2 ) अनुशासन: लक्ष्य के अलावा मुझे कुछ भी नहीं दिखता है। (Discipline: I see nothing but goals.) “हर पल हर वक्त सोचती हूं कि मां-बाप इस कदर कठोर क्यों होते हैं हम गहरी नींद में होते हैं और वे उस वक्त भी नहीं सोते हैं ,आज इतने वर्षों …
😃😃😃 Everyone Be Ready To Be Positive “Our Life is about accepting challenges in our life and set the right goals, determined to keep going forward with the right frame of mind, and to enjoy the voyage of life & learn from incidents in our life.” Let’s know how we can think positively and ameliorate …
The Elephant And The Rope Some Belief That Binds Us To Grow We all know the elephant is very strong and big in size, and a rope or normal chain can’t hold him if they try to break. Humans are very small and weak compared to the elephant but they can control with a simple …